Mortgage Assistance
Get Help with Payment Challenges
If you are an existing East West Bank loan customer who cannot afford your monthly mortgage payments and wish to avoid foreclosure, you may be eligible for a loan workout or modification.

We determine eligibility for a loan workout on single family loans (1 to 4 units) on a case-by-case basis. Among other things, we will consider the value of your property and your ability (based on your current income) to make monthly mortgage payments in accordance with the workout.
We have several workout options that may be available to you. These may include a Repayment Plan, Forbearance Agreement, or Loan Modification. If you are interested in exploring any of these options, you will need to provide us with certain financial information, including the following:
Although you requested a loan workout, we must continue with our collection efforts. Once we receive all of the financial information requested, we will contact you to discuss available options.
For a list of HUD-approved housing counseling agencies that can provide free foreclosure prevention and debt management information, and may be able to provide translation or other language assistance, contact one of the following federal government agencies:
For additional information on how to avoid foreclosure, including help for military servicemembers, you may also visit Fannie Mae’s KnowYourOptions.com.
For properties located in Washington:
You may contact the Department of Financial Institutions, the Washington State Bar Association, or the statewide civil legal aid hotline for possible assistance or referrals at the toll-free numbers listed below:
For properties located in New York:
The following housing counseling services are available to you:
If you would like to discuss your options to avoid foreclosure with us, please call us at 877-392-6868.
If you have a workout package ready to submit, for quicker assistance, email it to us at SpecialServicing@eastwestbank.com.
Fax number:
Mailing address:
East West Bank, P.O. Box 60020, City of Industry, CA 91716