Cash Management
Cash Management Made Easier
Manage your assets wisely with our smart tools to improve cash flow and make excess funds work for you with interest- bearing mutual funds.

Loan Sweep
Our loan sweep service1 allows you to set up an automatic sweep between your business checking account and your business line of credit. Based on a predetermined target balance in your checking account, excess balances will automatically be moved to make payments toward your line of credit. Or, if your operating account needs additional funding, your line of credit will advance available funds to help settle transactions. Our loan sweep service will help you gain greater control of your cash position.
1Service available to only certain loan types. Please contact us for more information.
Zero Balance Account
Increase your cash flow efficiency with our Zero Balance Account (ZBA). You can set up automatic sweeps between subsidiary accounts and a master operating account. The subsidiary account balances are kept at zero or at a targeted balance based on your daily operational needs. Funds will be automatically transferred to or from the master account to designated subsidiary accounts to maintain the predetermined target balance. ZBA will help manage your operational funds more effectively as you can consolidate excess balances into the master account. It will also help you control and monitor the disbursement in different subsidiary accounts. The ZBA service can be utilized for businesses with multiple divisions or different functional groups.
Standard Service Includes:
Investment Sweep
Make your excess funds work for you with our money market mutual fund investment service – InvestmentBridge®2. If your East West Bank checking account has funds that exceed a predetermined target balance, it will automatically be swept to invest in our money market mutual fund to earn interest. The fund can also sweep back to your checking account when needed to fund incoming payments. We offer several mutual fund options for you to find the most suitable fund for your investment objectives.
2Investment Products are not insured by the FDIC or any other federal government agency, and are not deposits of or guaranteed by a bank or any bank affiliate and may lose value.