Overdraft Protection
Stay on Top of Your Finances

Helping our customers manage their finances is an important part of our commitment to serve as your financial bridge. As you may be aware, federal regulations have changed the way banks can charge overdraft fees for everyday debit card purchases and ATM withdrawals.
As a result of these changes, if you don’t have enough money in your account for an everyday, non-recurring debit card purchase or ATM withdrawal, your transaction will be declined, and you won’t be charged an overdraft fee.
However, if an overdraft occurs due to other types of transactions, such as a recurring debit card or check transaction, an overdraft fee will be assessed.
Overdraft Protection gives you the flexibility to write checks, pay for purchases or make withdrawals even when you don't have enough money in your checking account at the exact time of the transaction.
With Overdraft Protection, available funds are automatically transferred from your linked account(s), allowing the transaction to be completed and helping you to avoid costly overdraft fees.
Please visit any East West Bank Branch to set up overdraft protection for your deposit accounts. For branch locations, please call our Customer Service Center at 888-895-5650 or find a branch location.
East West Bank’s Consumer Online Banking Services offer a fast and convenient tool to help you manage your account balances and avoid overdraft situations.
* To access mobile banking, you must first enroll in our online banking service. View the Online Banking Agreement for more information about both online and mobile banking. While East West Bank charges no fees for our Online and Mobile Banking services, internet, text and wireless carrier data access fees may apply depending on your plan. Check with your service provider for details. Internet access is needed to use Online Banking Services, Mobile Apps and Mobile Web.
Enroll online or visit your local branch.
Mobile Banking Services are available to consumer Online Banking users only. To learn more about Mobile Banking at East West Bank, please click here.
Using East West Bank’s 24-hour Automated Telephone Banking service, you may check your account balance or conduct immediate funds transfers between your linked accounts from any phone by calling our toll-free number at 800-809-6761.
Please call our toll-free number at 800-809-6761 to start accessing your account or visit your local branch.
Below are a few simple tips that anyone can use to help avoid overdraft situations:
Visit your branch today and speak to one of our account representatives to learn more about East West Bank’s Overdraft Protection, Online/Mobile Banking and Automated Telephone Banking service options, and how YOU can set up or apply for these services. If you are an existing account holder, you can also sign up for our consumer Online Banking service online here or contact our Customer Service Center at 888-895-5650 (Monday through Friday: 6:00 am to 7:00 pm PT, Saturday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm PT) for assistance.